Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Natalie is Here!

I took this picture right before we left for our 4am appointment at the hospital to get induced. I carried Natalie high throughout the entire pregnancy. She "dropped" a little a month before the delivery date, but not by much.

Here I am in the labor and delivery room, ready for my pitocin. Let's get this labor started.

What I didn't anticipate was how fast everything would happen... I was hooked up to the pitocin by 6am, epidural shortly thereafter, and after a few blissful hours, I was ready to push.

Miraculously, after 3 contractions, the baby was out. Welcome to our wacky family Natalie!!

Natalie was much smaller than Violet was-- 7.2 lbs (or to be exact, 7.18 lbs) and 19.5 inches long. She was born at 10:28am. If I knew that all of my deliveries would be this smooth, I would have more babies... It's the newborn hours that I could do without :).

Happy Daddy with his newest pride and joy :).