Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Daddy and Violet :).

Natalie and I after I came back home from work! Note the blue shorts :).


The Girls Meet Janu

Janu is about 5 months older than Natalie but they're about the same size! Janu is small just like her Mama, Indu.


Hanging out with Loong Den and Hailey. If I remembered correctly, Hailey drooled ALL over the house. She was a good dog though :).

Just shy of 4 months

Natalie discovers and is mesmerized by the exosaucer. I love these baby inventions.

King Arthur's Carousel at Magic Kingdom

7-10-2010. We used to go to Disney all the time. It was nice when we lived just 20 minutes away. I don't even recall why we were there in the dead of summer but we were. And it was hot.

2010 4th of July Picture in Boca Grande


Mesmerized by the Bumbo chair. She sat up for the first time with the assistance of the Bumbo. She liked it!

Let's recall this was Violet's first experience in the chair. I see a resemblance in children, do you?


Our neighbor, Kim, went to Hawaii and came back with a Hawaiian outfit for Violet. What do you think?

Time sure does fly...

So looking at my blog, I realized that the last pictures were from almost a FULL year ago. OMG. I'm terrible. I'm going to summarize in brief with pictures these last months.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


The brothers still have fun too.


Tummy Time!

Self-Portrait, say cheese!!

Regression, it happens.


Poor Natalie was sick for the first three months that she was home (nothing serious, just colds and runny noses that Violet would pick up from playdates, etc). Natalie had to sleep in the bouncy chair so all the fluids would drain out. I was fully convinced that she would have to sleep upright the rest of her life.

Here is Violet, apologetic and keeping her sister company.


Natalie loves to be swaddled. Here we are demonstrating, "Unswaddled Natalie."

"Swaddled Natalie." See the difference?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Auntie Dawn and Uncle Seth meet Natalie.

I like to spend time with my little sister.

Have you seen her?

Peek A Boo

Remember those Facebook posts about finding an escape half Asian toddler roaming the streets of Orlando? Well here is why those posts started in the first place. And yes, that is the doggie door.