You would think that I would have all the free time in the world right now. My stint in the 4th grade ended on Friday, Oct 20. On Saturday, Joe and I drove up to LA to hang ten with my brother and our family friend, Chai. They came over to San Diego that night and we hung out till noon the next day. After that, I met up with Sylvia to help her grade some papers. Monday was cleaning day and Tuesday well...
5am, Tuesday, Oct 24. Skooter starts to bark to be let outside. We let the dogs outside only for them to come face to face with a skunk. Joe said that he saw that the skunk was, "Cocked and ready to aim." The skunk sprayed Benson right in the face. Skooter got some of the residual spray as well. Dogs smell. Dogs run inside the house. House smells. Time for home remedies.
Tuesday night, Annemarie comes into town (thank-god for some happy time) and stays until Sunday morning. Jonathan's stay overlaps with AM's and he's here from Friday-Sunday. Throughout that entire time, I get a sore throat and can barely talk above a whisper.
Monday, Oct 30. Cleaning Day.
11am, Tuesday Oct 31. I get out of the shower to hear a noise that sounds like a running faucet. I run into all of the rooms to find that the turtles have managed to aim the "spray" portion of the water filter outwards. Yes, that's right-- stinky, dirty, salmonella-infested water all over the table and all over the documents I acquired during student teaching. I almost start to cry as I try to separate all of the pages and pages of lesson plans and graded material I kept in the binder. The sun will dry what it can but it looks like most of the material is now just trash.
To take my mind off of things, I like fantasize about Joe and I's upcoming trip to Thailand. This is one of the hotels we're thinking about staying at.
To Make Anything at All
7 years ago