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Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Week 40

I can't believe that I'm in Week 40 already! I am excited (and very thankful) that I have carried her to full-term and haven't had any complications but seriously-- I'm still pregnant.

So what are the joys and woes of the last week of pregnancy you ask? Well, I got several more stretch marks on my belly (I heard that stretch marks sneak up on you at the very last second-- I was hoping that it was just a myth) AND I have swelled up to the size of a, a.... a very large person. This picture is very deceiving--my feet, ankles, fingers, face, you name it--it's swollen.

Oh yes, and a FYI- it's not a compliment when you walk up to a pregnant woman and exclaim, "Whoa! You must be having twins!" I have had this reaction more than once in the past few weeks and have gotten to the point that I want to sucker punch the next complete stranger that says so.

Am I feeling hormonal right now? Possibly :).

During my last doctor's office, nothing had changed. I was still just 1 cm dilated (but according to my doctor, a "good" 1cm now). I have another appointment on Thursday where I will have a sonogram to check my amniotic fluid levels and judge the overall health of the baby. If they find that the amniotic fluid levels are too low OR if I've dilated to 3cm, we'll be having a baby on Friday. If none of these things happen, then the doctor wants to schedule me for a stress-test for the baby the following Monday. Regardless, she'll be here soon. I *must* be patient.

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